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  • #39467
    Jim Ostergard

    Looking for some feed-back on the rear leg cramps my old Rusty and one of his pals experience. Both grade Belgain who work most all year in the woods. Ages between 16 and 20 years. With my full time work in the woods, either on horse or skidder harvests I really suffer from charlie horse’s each night. I use an over the counter homeopathic called “Leg Gramps, with Quinine” I little tablet sure helps from me leaping straight out of bed at two in the morning and jumping around to ease the pain. My partner is always shocked awake and worries. The tablet does the trick.
    So can I use something for the horses?
    Thanks as usual to all.
    peace….Jim O.


    I find if I eat a banana if will usually do the trick right away. I don’t know if a horse will eat a banana but if so it might be worth a try. Those leg cramps can be awful and I have had my share of them over the years.

    Jim Ostergard

    Thanks Rod,
    I have done the banana thing myself. I’ll give it a try. My wolfhound loves them! I’m sure I could mush them into his feed, unless he is completely turned off. Maybe in the beet pulp I feed in the winter.
    Thanks again…Jim


    My dog loved them until we had too medicate him for something ( I forget what) and my wife hid the pill in the banana pieces. It didn’t take him that long to figure it out and now he wouldn’t eat a banana if he were starving

    Gooserun Farm

    Jim, I have had some luck giving vegetable oil to older drafts. Don’t know if it would help. Maybe some sort of potassium supplement?

    Carl Russell

    Jim, Homeopathic remedies work just as effectively on livestock as on people. You just need to be sure that the symptoms are accurate, and the dose would be probably more like 6 pills. Dr. Edgar Sheaffer from Palmyra, PA has done a lot of work with livestock homeopathy, especially horses, I don’t have his web site, but if you google him you should get some really good info. Carl

    simon lenihan

    jim, trycod liver oil and cider vinegar.
    simon lenihan

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