More Dog Tricks!

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  • #39788
    Donn Hewes

    Check out Jack’s new cart. he is still struggling with gee and haw. But it is a lot of fun to have him help us.

    jen judkins

    Aww, man, I gotta get me one of those! You build it? Looks like a simple enough design. Thanks for sharing. Jennifer.


    Come is a rather easy command to teach, mostly because dogs can be curious creatures. Every time you say Come and make a gesture, they usually perform this task on their own. But to really engrave it into the dog’s mind, a treat should be given upon successful completion.
    This command is very useful when a dog becomes distracted and is pondering chasing a rabbit, for instance. Instead of chasing the dog all over town (and the rabbit, coincidentally), try stating Come! with a firm voice you’ll be surprised at the results.


    Inspire Internet Marketing


    Hello! Last winter I met Donn and Jack and spent my ride home brainstorming how I was going to rig something for my small lab-mix dogs. Well, we have
    succeeded! They can move the Garden Way cart full of tomatoes, and also a lighter weight fourwheeled cart. I used a weanling halter flipped over for their body, and then scrapped together rope for all other parts. It’s the rough draft of my rigging, but I get alot of fun out of it! I then used the tops of our blown-out smart wool socks and made a collar complete with embroidery. They get excited when I get out the equipment and enjoy the work.


    awsome cart and dog.

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