MD #9 Mower

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  • #40008
    Does’ Leap

    I have the opportunity to purchase a high geared #9 mower or the standard #9. We live on a hill farm and plan to put up around 1500 bales. Any opinion on which is preferable and why?





    If your horses plod along, get the Hi gear. If they’re quick you might want the regular gear. The ratio difference is slight between the Hi and Regular like 1:4, and 1:5 but it makes a difference. I like the Hi gear because it seems to be able to mow right through late first cut or lodged, quite well even with worn(certainly not new)ledgers and knives. Buy them both, if one breaks down on the first day of three beautiful days of sun you can just hitch on to the other one………..amd go.


    Neal McNaughten

    Gabe Ayers

    I agree with Neal, if you can afford them both, buy them. The high gear pulls harder, so the regular gear may be easier on your animals if they are not in top notch shape when the weather says – make hay.

    Remember, farmers grow grass, but weather makes hay….so you have to be prepared to make hay while the sun shines, especially with animal powered techniques that limits how much one can get done in a day or a period of a few good days to cure hay. A good back up mower would save lots of anguish when trying to repair one when you should be mowing….

    Having an extra mower to hook to when something goes wrong or even if you have a neighbor willing to help with mowing or you get another team would be comforting when the hay starts to ripen and you are looking to fill the barn.

    I would add that you are fortunate to have two serviceable mowers available in your community. Certainly not the case everywhere. Good luck.

    Won’t be long we will all be getting seed catalogs and planning for the next growing season.

    Happy Holidays everyone!


    where does the trailor gear fit into the equation. or i should just ask what is the difference between the trailor gear the regular gear and the hi gear?

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