Neckyokepulling without britchen

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    hitched today first time my team to the one-axled cart in neck-yoke. pulling uphill was ok, but holding up the cart while going downhill was not so good, because the yoke slipped to the head. as I drive my team with chain-halters, I think, that the yoke pressed on the chain and so on the backside of the head. Think, that I next time use the britchen, so that the yoke will hold on its place in the middle of the neck and they can hold up the cart with their backside. What’s your experience with that ? or do you drive all your teams without any halter ?


    Most cattle if you are going to ask them to use their horns and have a halter on them the part going over their neck has to be very small. I find a few old yokes with britchen rings on them. I do not have them on my double yoke as I never have halters on my steers. I had them on the yoke for the cows because some of the loads were to heavy for them to back on their horns.
    I put britchen rings on all of my single yokes just because it makes it so much more convienent and it also makes it stronger.

    Carl Russell

    I always took off the collars when I yoked my cattle but they could, and would, hold back a pretty good load, and even back a load with just their horns.

    I tried britchen on them, but found they didn’t like it much, the load seemed to push them more than without.


    I think it is mostly what they are trained to.

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