breeding a donkey………..

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    Mules are rare here, I have only ever even seen two in my whole life, and I owned one of them. I have two real pretty and good-natured pinto female donkeys. Well I want to get a pair of young mules from them. I have taken them to two different “experienced” paint and pinto horse stallions when they we cycling strong and couldn’t get any interest. Is there some trick I’m missing? I know most mules are from a jack donkey (who we all know would breed a rock pile if it knew there was a snake in there) and a horse mare. Does the stallion have to grow up with donkeys? Any suggestions to get a union? I don’t think you cold get a team prettier than a pair of pinto mules.
    thanks mike…………

    Robert MoonShadow

    Mike~ This info is pretty much learned at ADMS -> a mule = donkey father / horse mother. Hinny = the reverse. Many jacks actually WON’T breed but one or the other (jenny or mare), depending on which it’s raised with. Some, however, will. Probably the same problem w/ the stallions. Also, donkeys having the fewer chromosomes, it’s harder for the jenny to concieve a hinny. The suggestions I’ve seen in the Brayer (the ADMS bimonthly magazine) say that if you have the problem you are, then use a teaser mare to “get them in the mood” & switch them out pretty quickly. Also, they recommend that the two being bred be within 4″ (6″ max) & somewhat close in body style & weight type. {For ease of birth}. The ADMS has article reprints on breeding, etc. – usually for less than a buck – and are always willing to help w/ advice. Their website is: Their email is:
    Hope this helps, and if you do get a couple on the ground, don’t forget pictures, okay? I’d love to see them.


    Thanks so much, we will keep on trying…….that’s all an old steer can do…..we’ll keep you posted. I appreciate the links…Mike


    There’s only a 25% conception rate in Jennies bred to stallions. There was a guy in Tennessee breeding Hinneys and after a number of years he gave up. He bred 8 Jennies to the same stallion for a number of years. Two concieved and those two were the only two of the 8 to continue to concieve with the stallion. All the other Jennies stayed barren during that time even though they were bred even more often since they were not “catching”.

    They say only a certain number of Jennies will concieve at all with a stallion, so your odds are pretty bad in breeding Hinnies.


    well, i red this trick somewhere: you take the urin of a mare in heat and put it on the “place” of the jennies.

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