Great site! Are there people who read this site who are north of VT.and NY

DAPNET Forums Archive Forums Community of Interest Events Great site! Are there people who read this site who are north of VT.and NY

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    Hi, I was wondering if there might be folks west of Montreal or into the eastern end of Ontario who like draft horses. Perhaps we could get together. I have 4 Canadians and would like to meet up with others who have the draft bug.I live in St.Lazare,Quebec.

    Thanks for listening,


    Hey Jake,

    Can’t help you with the west of Montreal question, but I have a question for you.

    Do you consider your Canadians a draft horse? I also own a Canadian and I call him a draft, however when I showed him in a draft farm class last summer there was grumbling that he was not really a draft horse and I should not have been allowed to show him. The judge must not have minded, since he placed us first in the ladies team farm class, but some other people showing did mind.

    I do not intend to show him much, but he did love the attention and really perked up when the crowd clapped as we did our victory lap. We were teamed with a spotted draft.

    I would love to see some pictures of your Canadians.



    @Jean 8237 wrote:

    Hey Jake,

    Can’t help you with the west of Montreal question, but I have a question for you.

    Do you consider your Canadians a draft horse? I also own a Canadian and I call him a draft, however when I showed him in a draft farm class last summer there was grumbling that he was not really a draft horse and I should not have been allowed to show him. The judge must not have minded, since he placed us first in the ladies team farm class, but some other people showing did mind.

    I do not intend to show him much, but he did love the attention and really perked up when the crowd clapped as we did our victory lap. We were teamed with a spotted draft.

    I would love to see some pictures of your Canadians.



    A friend of mine told me recently that a guy we both know use to show his Halflingers at a certain draft horse club’s shows. He won nearly every class he competed in, time after time. So guess what they did? Yep, you guessed it … they added a rule that Halflingers couldn’t compete based on the “they are ponies, not horses” line of thinking. I believe if you are going to have a competition it should be open to all comers. If a guy with a Shetland – Fjord cross beats me, so be it. I guess that is why I stay away from the clubs, but that is just me.

    I second the motion about some pictures. I know nothing about the Canadians (the horses; the people either for that matter!), what little I have seen of them makes me think they are an attractive looking animal. I would like to see some pictures, too

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