Mule plows driveway

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    This video shows my Pioneer snow plow doing my driveway behind a fore cart. This is the first time I used it and it took a pass or so for both Jenny and I to get the knack but now the plow works great in this snow which is about 3-4″ of light fluffy snow. It could handle more and heavier stuff with out a problem I think. Not a problem for Jenny to pull it up hill or down. It has a float position and you can lift and lock it at any height. Nice plow.


    @Rod 23561 wrote:

    This video shows my Pioneer snow plow doing my driveway behind a fore cart. This is the first time I used it and it took a pass or so for both Jenny and I to get the knack but now the plow works great in this snow which is about 3-4″ of light fluffy snow. It could handle more and heavier stuff with out a problem I think. Not a problem for Jenny to pull it up hill or down. It has a float position and you can lift and lock it at any height. Nice plow.

    Looks like fun. Certainly more economical and easier on your ears than a tractor! How much does the Pioneer plow set a person back? Thanks for sharing that video.


    That is great. Your mule looks as if she really likes to go!

    Was the person filming it on horseback? The camera was swaying like a rider does.


    @ricenmor 23563 wrote:

    Looks like fun. Certainly more economical and easier on your ears than a tractor! How much does the Pioneer plow set a person back? Thanks for sharing that video.

    It a lot more pleasant and can turn on a dime. I Think the plow was in the $600+ range.


    @Jean 23566 wrote:

    That is great. Your mule looks as if she really likes to go!

    Was the person filming it on horseback? The camera was swaying like a rider does.

    Jenny has long stride and does move out nicely. She is a pleasure to drive in a cart. The swaying was Marilyn, first time on the camera and not quite sure what she was doing and she was walking down the driveway following me as she filmed it.


    Looks good Rod, and Jenny is movin’ out nice, looks like a lot of fun


    Here is a much better video showing the plow action and the mule.

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