Beet lime?

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  • #43625
    near horse

    Anyone ever heard of “beet lime”? Our NRCS guy said there are huge quantities produced from processing sugar beets. Know anything about it? They do grow beets in this region but ag lime is NOT easily found in enough quantity to amend a field (maybe a garden).

    Tim Harrigan

    Geoff, we use a lot of sugar beet lime in Michigan.

    A lot of sugar beets are grown in the Saginaw Valley, the lime is a byproduct of the processing operation.

    near horse

    Tim – so you feel it’s alright to use as a soil amendment?

    Tim Harrigan

    Should not be a problem. Not sure if it is the best for the $, beet lime might not spread as nice as other lime so you should find out who will be spreading and check with them. Also, if you need magnesium dolomitic lime might be better. But if it is primarily neutralizing ability you want it should be OK.

    near horse

    It’s pretty tough to find ANY lime within 100+ miles of here. If it isn’t applied or a concern to commercial wheat/barley rotations (and it’s not), nobody carries it (or cares about it). Sheesh.


    Geoff, there is a lot around here but when you are a “little guy” like me no one wants to take the time to haul or spread. The only way to get it done is hope someone close by is spreading some. I have started having pelletized lime mixed with my fertilizer. It has to be applied more often but it only cost around $3.00 per acre so it is not a big deal.

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