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    Well, I went to the orthopedic surgeon that changed knees today. This time he was checking my shoulders. It seems I have a torn rotator cuff and bicep tendonitis in both shoulders. I have to go for an MRI on both and see if the tear is all the way through or only part way. It sound line 50/50 chance of just PT or surgery and PT. For those of you that have had shoulder surgery, how long before you could start handling the horses again? I would like to have them fixed but I am not looking forward to being laid up again. I guess time will tell.


    Had both shoulders done went through 3 sessions of PT, 4 cortizone shots then surgery. First one in Dec 2010 and it`s healed super
    have great movement and no pain. Went back to work on light duty and had left shoulder done in Nov.2011 still off work. Find a surgeon you trust and listen to him, when they started to make noise about me returning to work the surgeon said “don`t be a hero you only have one shot at this. When your young you heal faster, I was 45 when I blew out a knee I missed one milking then through the crutches way halfway thru the morning milking and hobbled on 1 and half legs, dumb as a post and just about as stupid and am paying for it now.
    Am going to therapy still and arm is coming along nicely just taking it one day at a time
    GOOD LUCK what ever you decide to do I know if the left arm heals as good as the right one did I`ll be dam glad I went with surgery



    there are was good work !

    near horse

    Marshall – you’re gonna be good to go for another 50+ years after getting a total rebuild! Really – the rotator cuff/shoulder issue seems to be pretty common in the ag world. Maybe elsewhere too but doesn’t get the press that knees do. We ask our shoulders to do some tough stuff. That said, one our mainstay teamsters tore his knee all to heck last winter (2010) tripping over frozen turds, had the surgery and then got it infected so is back for round 2 this year. That stinks.

    I hear when your shoulders get bad enough, sleeping is pretty difficult. Have you had that sort of problem?

    All the best and do the rehab!


    Geoff- So far sleeping hasn’t been too bad. There were a few night that were miserable but it could be worse.


    thats Great thanks


    I am very appreciated


    Sorry, what you mean?

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