cattle & hogs

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  • #82916
    Mark Cowdrey

    Anyone ever try running small numbers of cattle & hogs in the same wooded pasture?

    Michael Low

    We had a small hog (50lbs) get into a 1 acre pen with 5 beef this summer. I just got their in time to save the bacon. They were stomping, and chasing, and charging and lunging. It was dramatic and the pig was certainly not happy. Maybe it was all bluff, but it sure looked like he was in for it.

    I would introduce them with a wire the pigs could escape under if the pressure is to high at first. Over time they would adjust to each other. I have seen pics, and read of this combo for grazing.

    By the way that pig was changed from then on, sweet, loving and for some reason he no longer had the urge to go anywhere.

    Mark Cowdrey

    Thanks. Great description, I can see it
    I have also seen online reports of pigs sucking on cows and even heifers and causing problems.
    This is a +/- 2 acre wooded area I am trying to convert. Seems lke rotating them through at different times is probably the way to go.

    Brad Johnson

    We used to run two beef calves, a doz or more sheep, and up to 10 pigs in the same small pasture paddocks, rotated every day or every other day. It worked really well, except when the pigs got big. At that point, they shredded the pasture so we put them in a separate pen, but they did great for most of the pasture season.

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