I have two days of hands on learning scheduled for next week with a guy I met at horse progress days 2008. He has a nice experienced team of horses to work with. I sent him a list of things I would like to work on and farm equipment I would like to use . I also ask that he first evaluate me and go from there. What questions would you be asking as a beginner now that you have more experience and If you were working with me for two days what would you try to teach me to give me a good foundation and keep me safe. I am looking forward to your advice and my learning experience. thanks
I would like to know about tricks that make the work easier for the animals ( and consequently for the teamster); I’d like to know pros and cons for a variety of machines designed for the same job, pros and cons of various hitching methods in various situations; just someone pointing out my mistakes would already be a big help….. Have fun!