Annual Gathering Videos

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  • #74617

    Yes, they are Brabants.

    TWENTY YEARS of Fair Winds Gatherings celebrated… thanks to Jay & Janet / Mum & Dad for getting this great tradition started and leading the way. And thanks to Carl & Lisa for kicking it up a notch or two, and for, well, um, giving us all a chance to meet other great people who share our passion for draft animals & draft power. 😉

    Thanks, EVERYONE for all your help. We are slowly trying to recover and finish getting tents taken down & things put back to normal. It sure was great to see all those videos so I could see what everyone was up to all weekend! What a great event and what a great group of people. So glad that so many could make it and look forward to next year.

    Thanks again to all who helped out in ways big and small.


    Very neat videos, thanks for sharing. I would Love to know more about that ground drive cart, how it was made, getting it balanced and about how much it would cost to build, looking to save some money to buy an I&J but that is a little ways off and currently out of the budget. Thanks again I love seeing what everyone is up to.

    Tim Harrigan

    @Stella 36581 wrote:

    Yes, they are Brabants.

    …. Thanks, EVERYONE for all your help. We are slowly trying to recover and finish getting tents taken down & things put back to normal. It sure was great to see all those videos so I could see what everyone was up to all weekend! What a great event and what a great group of people. So glad that so many could make it and look forward to next year….

    The irony of these events is that the folks who work the hardest and longest to make them happen have to go back and look at the video to get a glimpse of what was happening around them. I noticed, and I am sure others did as well, how hard you and the small core worked to pull it off and it was magnificent. One of the core values of DAPNet is building community, it is one of the principles that guides our activities throughout the year. Others are education and training/mentoring. This gathering embodied all our core values in high amount and we are indebted to you and Neal and all the others who worked so hard to make it happen and for offering your farm for us to share. Events like that leave a mark.

    Thanks so much, Tim


    I, too, loved seeing the videos. Maybe I can come next year. I am bad about checking this site regularly, but I’ll make another post about life with horses here in the land of cheese and beer.

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