carriage restoration co

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    I have been thinking lately about enterprises that could pair well with farming and that could be done on the farm. We are located near a very affluent area where lots of people drive horses in show. I am curious to hear from folks who do carriage restorations. From the little bit of implement and carriage restoration I have done I can say I definitely enjoy it. But is it profitable? Are there a lot of expensive specialized tools necessary? Would you suggest someone get into the business? Any thoughts would be appreciated.


    over here carriage restauration is a very specialized art, if you talk restauration as making as it had been. Lots of time is spent in libraries to figure out what was important for its construction and how the crafts were done, lot of time goes into organizing the right kind of materials and into figuring out the history of the very coach/carriage.
    many of these restaurators have connections with museums, factories that can still produce old patterns and designs in the required material; one has to know which episode the carriage was built, to know how the paint was mixed etc.
    This is completely different from getting an old carriage/coach in working condition (which sometimes destroys its historical value) or repairing one of the newer models…
    so which of both would you like to get into?

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