collar pad?

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    Jared Ashley

    hey everyone,

    I am starting to work my haflingers on a regular basis.  I am wandering how many of you use collar pads.  they are going to be logging as weekend warriors.  thank you for your time and thoughts



    All the correct padding you can get is great..  Some pad to make a collar fit right.Some to protect the face of a high dollar collar.    and sorry to say ,,some just to be able to claim their horse wears a bigger collar than he does.   Now just chose,,canvas covered deer hair or vinyl.


    I am thinking of buying a new harness and have never used a pad but I also haven’t  worked them very hard before and I plan to start doing more.  I have been told that I should use a pad.  If I get a new collar and hames do I need to order them bigger than what they are and if so how much bigger typically.


    The most useful thing about a pad is the fact you can dry them out quicker than a collar.  I even know people who have to sets.   Your supplier would be able to tell you what you need.  Different styles of collars use different size pads.


    Pads are a good idea for working horses.  We used to use the canvas covered deer hair, but switched to vinyl and won’t go back.

    Does’ Leap

    I have 2 sets of vinyl pads for each horse.  I have both thick pads (2″) and thin (1″).  This helps insure perfect collar fit as they change their weight/body condition over the year.  Even with consistent summer work, my horses tend to put on weight when they are on fresh grass.



    I always use a pad. I have two sets, one thin and one thicker. The thiner ones are plain vinyl and the thick ones are vinyl backed canvas & deer hair. As the year goes on, I have to switch as they lose weight toward fall. 5 1/2 day weeks do that though.


    Brad Johnson

    I may be in the minority here, but I still that if you have just the right collar fit then a bare collar works best, particularly with heavy work.  The analogy I like best is that if you have a good set of work boots that fit well, a thin sock does the trick, rather than stuffing in thick, heavy socks.  That said, my horses do gain and lose over the season and I have a limited number of collars to use so I too have multiple pads to accommodate the changes in sizing during the season.  The vinyl collars do not get as wet so I like them best, but felt and deertick work fine as well provided you can dry them out sufficiently between uses.  In very hot, humid weather I have found any pad can create discomfort , particularly in the top half of the collar.  I don’t usually roach my manes and perhaps this is an issue as well, but I like my horses to have the hair to help deal with flies in the summer.



    Like someone once told me, “would you wear shoes without socks?”


    Shoes and collars are apples and oranges. If you want to go down that road, collars are more like flip-flops/sandals than shoes. I only use a pad to adjust the fit of a collar and then only if I have to. I have acquired a good selection of different sizes of collar and my horses usually wear two different collars over the course of twelve months. I’d rather swap collars than use a pad. If I’m going to be away from home and I know the horse is going to sweat out a lot of water, I might bring along a pad to add later. A horse can sweat off an incredible amount of water weight during the course of a hard day.

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