Draft donkey extinction in third world


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    Don’t know if anyone else has seen the article http://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-41524710
    The article says that China has developed a taste for donkey to be used in all manner of food and medicine. Today the numbers of donkeys in China have dwindled and now donkeys are being stolen from farmers in third world countries and slaughtered to fill the demand. These animals are the life blood of rural economics and with out them many families will have no draft power to run their business or farms on. Please give the article a read…
    Ron McCoy


    The Asian market in general is consuming massive amounts of domestic and wild resources, draft horses in North America are threatened by the legal purchasing of large quantities of young draft horses for the purpose of raising for meat. Horses are sent to Western Canadian feed lots/pastures, flown to Japan, finished out, sold for $20k each with retail prices of ~$100/lb. It is likely to put a hurting on our work horse Population.


    The Asian market in general is consuming massive amounts of domestic and wild resources, draft horses in North America are threatened by the legal purchasing of large quantities of young draft horses for the purpose of raising for meat. Horses are sent to Western Canadian feed lots/pastures, flown to Japan, finished out, sold for $20k each with retail prices of ~$100/lb. It is likely to put a hurting on our work horse Population.

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