draft pony looking for work

DAPNET Forums Archive Forums Market Place Buy/Sell Livestock draft pony looking for work

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  • #44535
    aranor farm

    I have a 13 YO, 14 hand, 1000#(+/_) percheron/welsh cross mare that is looking for something to do. I drive her for pleasure. I thought I would use her to do some light work around the farm but I soon realized that it looks easier than it really is. She was wondering who the idiot was one the other end of the lines! She has been worked in the woods and has been hitched to implements. She was shown in her younger years in draft shows in a pairs hitch and a unicorn hitch. She has been a pasture potato for the last few years and I would rather see her wearing a harness rather than a grazing muzzle. I would be willing to free lease her out to the right situation. Contact me if you think she would be a fit. Pictures are available.


    Jonathan Shively

    You surely have to clean barn/stalls. Haul yard waste somewhere. Clean up branches. A simple mudboat/stoneboat and you can put this pony to work and you can have a blast working him.

    aranor farm

    LOL, that’s the image I had in mind. More comfortable in the saddle.

    carl ny

    Try it,you’ll like it.She will teach that “idiot” everything you need to know.In the end you will love her for it.Any questions,just ask here,there is a wealth of knowledge here.Not me. LOL

    carl ny


    could you post some pictures?


    aranor farm

    I think I have the photos attached. Taken last summer, except for the one of her driving. That was taken about 3 years ago.

    carl ny

    NICE !!!!!!! Looks like she could do some work…A team of them would be outstanding…

    carl ny

    aranor farm

    I would have to agree!

    Jonathan Shively

    She can do a lot all by herself. She would look nice in my team of Fjords though!!
    I am serious, do you have a harness for her? If so, will tell you how to build a cheap but very functional mudboat you can haul so much on that you will never know how you did without it.

    Jim Ostergard

    Nice looking pony. Wish I had enough work for her and she would look good with my Fjord. My haflinger cross after two years of brining him along is out (maybe real long term) with a stifle injury. Happened on his first logging job away from the homestead. If i can come up with some steady work I will be in contact.

    aranor farm

    Thanks Jim. She could certainly use the work.

    aranor farm

    I have a harness, however, it is posted on this site for sale. I tried all this when I first bought her (and her partner) and with no one to help me, it was a disaster. I sold her partner 3 years ago and now, I no longer have the time or the desire to try.

    Jonathan Shively

    She is a beaut, if I were closer, we would be playing with her and you would find out how much could be accomplished with her. Hope you find the right position for her.


    How is she with other horses? does she have a more dominant or submissive attitude? I may have some work for her this summer….

    I will call you if I can get some time to drive up to brookfield.


    aranor farm

    She is middle of the pack. She has lived in large herds, around 30 and she currently lives with three geldings. No bite or kick, just threatens and they get out of her way. She is not mare-ish, hardly know when she is in season.

    That would be great! Looking forward to hearing from you.

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