The county extension agents for Clarkston and Lewiston have both independently decided to push more for sheep and goat grazing for noxious weeds in the area, instead of the spraying, which, for several reasons, they don’t think is effective or safe in the watershed area. Unfortunately, it seems that until I showed up on my website and Craigslist, no one in the area did small land plots, which is currently their biggest concern. My girls are now just outside Clarkston city limits, and the 2 county extension agents are each planning on taking “before” and “after” and “action” photos of them. It’s far enough away that I’m not really making much in the way of actual cash, but it’s putting my farm name out there, and increasing interest for my produce.
I just hope my girls don’t all get the Lindsey Lohan syndrome thing. :rolleyes: