haflinger skidding a moose?

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  • #44589
    Jared Ashley

    Hi all,

    i was looking for your thoughts and opinions on something. i have a team of haflingers. i have yet to ask them to pull any heavy loads. i am wandering if you think a single haflinger can handle skidding a moose. i have some ideas for drag sleds and such. i also have the team to use. i am going to be retrieving moose in northern maine this coming fall during our moose hunts. i foresee some situations where a single horse skidding is going to be the best way. but, i’m not sure my mare can handle skidding a moose. your thoughts?

    carl ny

    Depends on ground cover,terrain,size and condition of your haflinger.Oh yeah,and size of the moose.LOL

    carl ny


    Our horses used to pack out elk in colorado and the easiest way was to field dress and quarter then tie them up on a pack, if you did that then you could just have the team walk in a little pack train and not worry about any other equipment.


    Jared Ashley

    i will be in commercially harvested forests. the ground will be flat with moderate slopes. my mare is young and fit, but i know i need to train her up with heavier loads. she is 14h, 800lbs. she has the heart for it but i don’t wont to over work her. the moose will be anywhere from 400 to 900 lbs with most being in the 700-800 range. i will be able to use the team most of the time but if i get in a spot where one would be better in the tighter cover i want to make sure i can do it. Jared, for some reason, quartering moose is not very popular here in northern maine. again, thanks for your input.

    NB axemen

    Probably want to get them used to the smell of the blood too, I know some horses can react very different under certain circumstances.

    Jonathan Shively

    How old is this team or haflinger you are planning to skid moose out with?

    Jared Ashley

    My younger one is 9yrs old this april. my older one is 15-20 but still in good shape and plenty of energy.

    wally b

    heavy animal carcasses are harder to skid efficiently than you may initially think–thats why they call it ‘dead weight’–plus it damages the hide and carcass.

    wally b

    Jonathan Shively

    Well they aren’t immature animals whose bones aren’t hardened. Would think on a sled it would be no problem for them on one of them.

    Jared Ashley

    i am definately going to use a sled if i have the space in the woods that i need


    Be sure to work them up to pulling that weight. You don’t want to have them not be able to pull it and make them balky.

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