horse abortion

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  • #44315
    Donn Hewes

    Found one of my mares, Connie, having an abortion today. A Little 6 – 8 week old mule fetus. Kind of a bummer but she seems bright and fine. Hopefully she will clean and be ready to rebreed in the spring. Placed a call to the vet just to make sure they didn’t recommend anything else. She had a one day colic about two weeks ago. Wasn’t very severe as she had gut sounds through out. Just off her feed. Her temp was normal. Perhaps this caused the abortion, or perhaps it was the beginning of it. Now the little thing is in a jar in the house. Ugh. Donn


    Boy that is a shame Donn.

    If I recall Connie is your Suffolk mare, regardless loosing any mule, no matter how young or what color, is tough. I hope she cleans out well and that she and Eddie have better luck in the spring.


    Sorry Donn…I hope the best for your mare…

    jen judkins

    That is sad..


    I had this happen to me last year, Frisian paint bread to a perch, I had her foal from the year before, bout the same time you lost yours is the same time I lost mine, I never could figure out what caused it… she had to been half way long cause there was a body. size of a small dog. Best of luck next year Don

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