Looking for a place to farm with horses

DAPNET Forums Archive Forums Market Place Buy/Sell/Lease Real Estate Looking for a place to farm with horses

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  • #39658
    Joshua Kingsley

    I am currently looking for a place that I can begin on my own with my horses. I have been working with horses since 14 and am ready to venture away from the conventional family farm and embrace my prefrence for real horsepower. Areas of intrest are in Northern Maine, Northern New York or anywhere that I can find a place with reasonable land prices. Idealy i would like to find a minimum of 25 acres.
    Thank you for any suggestions


    There is an organization in mostly Northern New York that promotes farming as a way of life. There are many resources and info at their site comefarmwithus.org, including farms for sale. Be warned Lewis county farms are cheap because it is hard to find people that want to deal with 200+ inches of snowfall most seasons. The Tug Hill Plateau is one of the snowiest places that you can still farm, it has a very short season.

    I am looking in Southern Herkimer and Montgomery counties, they have better direct marketing opportunities. Western NY has some really good cheap land but I don’t know much about that area, just that it contains a lot of dairy, veggies and orchards.

    Here is a list of possible places to look, these are all out of the Country Folks paper, its a weekly but you may be able to get a free monthly issue. http://www.possonrealty.net, http://www.demereerealty.com, http://www.amblaskrealty.com, http://www.bigdiamondre.com, http://www.dolgevillemillrealestate.com, http://www.valleyviewrealty.com, http://www.countryfolks.com.

    Good luck with your search,



    It might not be what you’re looking for, but Black Kettle Farm of Northern NY is looking for a horseman to become a part of their farm. They posted a short description of what they are looking for at NOFA-VT:
    The Black Kettle Farm website has more information.


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