May have found a mentor

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    I’ve gotten a few meat animals from a farm that does their haying with horses. It’s a bit of a drive for me, but I like the quality of the meat and the learning experience of going out there. On my last visit, I mentioned I was looking for a small farm place, but that it would be too small to be worth having my own haying equipment, and the farmer generously offered to bring his horses the long drive out when I get to the point where I need haying done. He seems quite enthusiastic about it.

    This year has been awful for hay locally. Makes one hesitant to be dependent on buying hay, but on the other hand, if you make your own, you’re still dependent on the weather. The farmer was saying most years he sells hay, but this year he’ll be calling in a favor to be first in line for a friend’s hay.

    Tim Harrigan

    The hay situation is going to be quite serious in Michigan this year.

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