Monsantos at it agian

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  • #41947

    Heres another one that you folks proble know about but might enlighton some! It scares me and Im fearless!


    This should scare the crap out of every decent thinking person !!!. If you ask me God holds the patents to pretty much everything .. Marketing is the key to this companies power. They have so much clout they can make the public think they are saving the world… next thing will be a terminator gene in livestock so we have to buy all stock from them !!!


    Theres romers of culling pepole too check out jessey venturas consperice therore program on the net they have a real scary show there!

    near horse

    I heard a radio story recently that said a side business of the former Blackwater group was providing “counterintelligence” and protection for Disney AND Monsanto – with Monsanto, it was said that they were trying to infiltrate groups opposed to release of GMO crops etc

    Sounds paranoid but that’s how $$$$ works. I’ll see if I can hunt down the source and more info.

    Monsanto is the devil!


    I can verify that they have plenty of security been into ther opperation headquaters when I was moving one of there employes and went through more security than when I delivered to the pentagon!


    Who knows if the “new” found pathogens are good or bad, but originating from a company with a history of the a bomb, agent orange, pcb’s, ddt, rbgh, aspartame, and an identical history of coverups, bribes, false advertising, falsifying tests and studies, and wrecking Wyoming and Idaho with its awful mining policies of late, I did not send Monstanto, or Vilsack, a valentine this year.

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