More of Monstersanto’s Nightmare

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  • #41415
    Simple Living

    Just saw this on a FaceBook post of a friend of mine.

    It seems it has been here before, I’m not sure. Always good to keep everyone informed. I looked around the Fresh web site for a while and it seems like they at least have a good idea, now if we can get the rest of America/World on board. The main webpage is

    I was also thinking of a challange to our people here at DAP. Here it goes.

    How many of us can go one day, one week, or one month without eating anything that was purchased that had a barcode on it? I think it could be interesting to find out. As a side note, we could also share recipes of all the wonderful foods we create.

    Ok, I’ll go back into my little corner and let my brain sizzle a bit more. Let’s hear what others have to say.


    Gabe Ayers

    Venison tenderloin, mashed tators and home canned green beans, no bar codes, eat that way pretty regularly round here for about 40 yrs now But I know we are different than most mainstream Americans, yet so much like our not so long ago ancestors and kin.

    I guess the salt and pepper came out of a container with a bar code….darn, hard to escape the systems supply…



    We own the movie “Fresh” and the movie “Food Inc.” we have shared them with customers as a teaching aid. These are very informative videos. We also have a library of books that we share in hopes that people will become more aware of what they are eating and give them a choice of healthy, unprocessed, non government messed with food.

    Thanks for the post.


    Eating without a bar code in South FL is tough, but seeing as I brought some staples I can do it if I try.

    Breakfast was home fries and eggs with barcode condiments and NY apples shipped with no bar code via my truck.

    Supper will be home grown sausage and canned home made sauce, bar code pasta, local greens salad, bar code frozen dairy product with home made blueberry preserves.

    I try to incorporate something from home in every meal, or what little local stuff that I can find. It amazes me to live in the farmingest county in the state and it is so hard to find anything local to eat. It ships all over, just not here.

    Now if I were home and bartered for a quantity of wheat from a friend, we could go for months with just added salt and pepper, with a little buckshot now and then. The one thing that I would really miss is olive oil, butter and lard would have to suffice. We have a fully stocked cellar, 2 freezers, cider, could milk a beef cow, lots of chickens, eggs, beef, trout, and venison and 2 cold houses filled with winter greens. This is yet another reason that I should stay in NY for the winter, there is more wholesome food there than in sunny tropical FL.



    Food Inc.
    has been out there for a while, not sure if you have a link to this film on the forum

    at least as much as about Monsanto I#m worried about the fact, that there are only 4 major companies running the “food”-show

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