Poison Ivy

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  • #40607

    Does anyone have experience with cattle browsing poison ivy? Do they like it? Any health problems?

    I’ve heard that goats toleraterate ivy, but thought it prudent to ask around before experimenting with my cows.


    Gabe Ayers

    There doesn’t seem to be any problems with cows grazing poison ivy, or horses or goats.

    In fact when my children were young and we were milking a couple of nannies and raising calves off them, we actually tethered our goats on the fence row to eat poison ivy and then gave some of that milk to the children. I believe it contributed to their not have adverse reactions to the stuff in their lives. It is sort of a home made vaccination – immunizing against the negative effects of this native vegetation. Folklore??? or common sense… both!

    Joshua Kingsley

    The idea of an immunity to poison ivy through milk sounds totally cool. Thanks for sharing Jason.



    Thanks for the information. I’ll give it a try. I’d much rather tether my Devons in the ivy patch for an afternoon that get in there myself.



    I recently heard the same about goats eating the poison ivy, human drinking the milk thus becoming immune to getting poison ivy.
    A local goat farm recently started selling raw goat milk, licensed to do so, of course. Very interesting.


    While riding with a vet the horses started eating poison ivy and she stated they were immuned.


    My cattle when tethered along the woodline will browse poison ivy with no ill effects. I have gotten some irritation on my hands from handling the tethers that had gotten urushiol (the allergen oil in p.i.) on them. You could get a rash from the cows too if they get the oil on them.


    Remember if you are allergic to Poison Ivy, Oak, Sumac, Etc. and one of your animals get into it, and you touch there face or neck or body you can come down with the itch, even though it does not bother them.

    Because the oils will be on there hair, and you rub up against them.

    Also do not burn Poison Ivy the dust may get into your lungs and cause serious problems, and possible death to you.



    I thought most folks were immune to the plant. I never had troubles with it . nor any other family members getting the rashes and like from posion ivey and the like

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