Rain Rot?

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    My percheron mare has scabs on her rump. About 5 of them. One is maybe 3 inches long and 1 inch wide. The others are smaller.

    I am treating them with MTG, it is helping some I think, at least making it soft enough to break the scabs apart.

    Does this sound like rain rot? Does anybody have any other suggestion for treatment. She is very good about letting me pick at the scabs.

    Thanks, Jean

    Carl Russell

    Sounds like rain rot. I have never treated it with anything, just picked them off and brushed them out. Some topical antibiotic, blue coat, triple antibiotic, would probably work if they get oozy and sore, but I have never had it get that bad.


    jen judkins

    Clean with apple cider vinegar, scrub off crusties and cover with desitin.


    hi, wether it is rain rot or not, go ahead and put some Seven Dust on it, the stuff you use for your garden. we had a lady come to us and her mare’s back and rump were covered in what you described and we gave her the dust and it was all clear in a month.put it on until it goes away. it won’t hurt her, we have used it ourselves on our horses and dogs. good luck 🙂

    Gabe Ayers

    I won’t put Sevin dust on my vegetables and I sure ain’t putting it on my horse or myself, which would be the same. That stuff is very toxic, probably carcinogenic. It is certainly not organic!

    I recommend two products for treatment of this fungus.

    First is a product called Micro Tek. It is available at good tack shops and farm supply places. It is expensive but is a non toxic effective treatment of rain rot. Just spray it on and work it into the scabs with your fingers and they will go away quickly. It comes in a black plastic bottle with a sprayer on it. It works.

    The second homemade product is one of an solution of Comfrey that has been soaked in rubbing alcohol and then poured off and applied to the scabs the same as the Micro Tek stuff. We use a ration of 50/50 comfrey to rubbing alcohol.

    There may be other store bought anti fungus products that will work on this too, but over the counter poison (vegetable pesticides) are not the safest or best choice available.



    neither fungus nor bacteria will be affected by an insectizide….

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