Ralph Moodys Books

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    Has anyone read Ralph Moodys books? They are so awesome especially Little Britches and the Fields of Home. Anyone else read them?


    I read them when I was younger.Still have them. They were a pretty good description of how things were done early in the century.


    Hi russel,
    I haven’t read any of those books yet, but the book “fields of home” was written about his stay with his grandfather tom gould , on his farm about a mile and a half up the road from here. Tom goulds son frank wrote stories about the same farm called “ maine man in the making” which I’ve read, and frank goulds son john gould was a writer too. John gould and my dad went to school together, class of “28. very good reading. They all wrote stories about that farm and times back then. Franks stories were about the 1890’s. Ralph moodys time on the farm might have been around 1915, and John goulds stories were written about things in the twenties through the 50’s, and it kinda fun to hear stoties about local places any try and see it through their eyes and realize all the changes in the meantime.
    I have heard about “fields of home” forever and finally got a friend to lend me his copy soon as he can lay his hands on it…………………..waiting.

    Thanks, mitch


    I’ve read Little Britches. Loved it.


    I just read the first 15 pages of Little Britches on Amazon, they cut me off just as the entire family was stepping off the train onto their ranch for the first time, the conductor blows the whistle to alert them of something and…
    I see that I am going to have to go to the library tomorrow:)

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