SDAD and other media Links

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  • #41995
    Gabe Ayers

    Here are some links to local media about our event and work. SDAD was a wonderful time, the best horsemen I know in the south and their good horses. Hope DAP folks enjoy them.

    Not sure if all these work and can’t find some others associated with this event.

    Hope the weather is good for NEAPFD and that everyone interested in heritage base sustainability attends and brings at least one friend with them.

    Best Regards,

    Carl Russell

    Great stuff Jason. Makes me think about getting a videographer for next month.


    Gabe Ayers

    If you can get a local videographer to work reasonably then it would be another product to sell to support upcoming Field Days. Sometimes they can be expensive, the shooting and editing are time consuming and use expensive equipment, but the media is so appropriate for modern use to educate the public.

    Joe Mischka at Rural Heritage has been great for us to work with. I am not sure of his ability to do this financially at this point. He is committed to the culture and that makes him worth considering as a partner in perpetuating that same culture. It is clearly mutually beneficial.

    If you do film it, put yourself in front of the camera and tell it the way you see it. Of course mic up your other stars and make the most of their skills and culture too. You have plenty of them up there.

    Best of luck with NEAPFD, wish I was there…

    Here is a link to an interview with Wendell Berry at SDAD:

    Kind Regards,

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