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  • #42407
    Mark Cowdrey
    Notice: All stock take note!
    Recent snow events have rendered fencing below normal levels. Until further notice all stock, including pigs, cattle and horses will be on the honor system in regards staying within their assigned pastures, paddocks or other fenced enclosures. Any fence low enough to simply step over is to be considered to have the equivalent restraining effect of a fence at a normal height. Your attention to and cooperation with this notice is both expected and appreciated.
    Signed, The Mis-Management of Ragged View Farm


    I stole this joke from Jay Bailey


    This is so true! My pigs respect the shin level fence, but I walked the heifer to water to make sure she didn’t try to go fence hopping to find the bull, for some reason this would be the day she would try such a thing:)

    Mark Cowdrey

    Just went out and found two of my horses wandering around the dooryard!:eek:


    I only have a low fence on the outside. To be honest I can actually say I planned it that way from the beginning. The top course of tape is 5.5 feet high. I can still compact about 4 more feet of snow inside. But we are working on de-energizing the second course here abouts. Next Tuesday I think, if things go as they have been normally occurring. Snow again this weekend…. Thankfully February is a short month. Gates wouldn’t work yesterday so went to work scraping and digging them out last night.


    the mailman is delivering our mail to the birdhouse on top of the barn. we are a ways off the road so it don’t matter if the horses get out too far. they stay where the hay is. sounds like we are all in this one together. i might be out of the woods for a bit, but i have to keep pounding down the roads for sugaring. much more snow and i might have to give that one up.


    Donn Hewes

    I really like my portable horse fence at this time of year. My small paddock is made with tread in posts that have been stapled to blocks of hard wood 6 x 6 or poured into half blocks of concrete. This fence is handy year round for moving for wagons or what ever, but yesterday i just went and dug them up and set them a little higher in the snow.


    I just saw my red calf walk by the window. They figured out that they could step onto the 7′ long concrete barriers that border one side of the barnyard.
    Right up and over, without a problem. Back to standing on a rubber mat in the barn with the doors open, and back to shoveling out greenhouses for me.



    Here is the sawmill job I’m working on right now at 10,125′, the dang saw is to heavy to lift up like the fence – so i get to dig down, makes for a strong back after a few weeks of that. I’m almost out of logs – so i get to start skidding soon, I guess I will finally have to make that scoot i’ve been reading so much about here on dap. there is about 100 more spruce trees that blew down in a storm last spring – nice big-straight grained.
    Post some photos you’all its the only way i get to travle these days!
    philg – southern colorado


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