smoking chips

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    My wife volunteers at the local co-op and she came home yesterday with a good idea she stole to ad some value to our firewood harvest. They just started selling nicely packaged hand split smoking chips and slabs for people to put in their smokers and charcoal grills. they sell small handful size bundles for about $12-$14. Pretty good idea. We may add them to our pork at the farmers market stand.


    Steven Q

    I had a lot of Hickory in the harvest I was working on over the winter, was able to find a catering company that will buy a lot, for smoking pork. Didn’t make a lot more than firewood prices, but saved labor on splitting it. Also found that mushroom growers are looking for Oak logs in 3ft lengths, up to about 8 inches in diameter, again sold for firewood prices but saved labor.

    I have been looking at doing my own mushrooms, seems like a small investment of time and money, but could yield decent returns. Selling chipped hickory would be good as well, but I am not currently set up for any kind of retail, would be ok if I found a place that would display and sell on consignment.


    If you have access to corn cobs they make great tasty smoke as well, you could add that as an option if they are a by product of anything that you do.

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