Special Forest Products

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  • #40515
    Gabe Ayers

    Free food from the forests. The attachment is a Morrell mushroom found under old apple trees and in some deep litter poplar woods. Be careful to accurately identify any wild mushroom, but when you do, this is a delicious free food.

    Recipe, saute low heat simmer in butter with a sprinkle of of garlic, any form.

    YUMMY food.

    The forest provide wild food, especially when left a forest after the extractive activities to address immediate human needs…

    My spelling of the name of this mushroom may be wrong. Locally it is called,
    Miracles, dry land fish, brain fungus, all sorts of things, but mostly “good food”.


    Good find, I search mushrooms all the time. You can actually encourage morels if you buy a more; mushroom kit, they love apples trees and 2 to 3 years post burnings. I usually like Chanterelles. If you have lot of wood and forest by products, you really should look into mushroom production. you can do a lot with the wood. Check out this site and book: http://www.fungi.com/books/stamets.html

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