Wanted: Well broke single

DAPNET Forums Archive Forums Market Place Buy/Sell Livestock Wanted: Well broke single

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  • #90141
    Lizzy Koltai

    I’m looking for an experienced, slow, beginner safe horse or mule to team up with my old mare. 12-14 years old would be ideal, but I’ll consider older horses if they are in good health. I’ll consider any breed, including haflingers and fjords, and would prefer someone 16ish hands or less (smaller is a plus). I need a horse/mule trained single and double with familiarity in the woods, on mowers and in row crops.


    Hey Lizzy,

    I have a 17yo Belgian mare looking to sell. She’s about 15 hands, lots of experience in the woods, some in fields, hasn’t been worked in about a year. Good health otherwise. In central Vermont.

    If interested, email me at andrewplotsky@gmail.com or call 80239two8061


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