2008 workshops

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  • #39445
    Donn Hewes

    No dates for the calendar yet, but I wanted to update folks on what I am thinking. Maybe get some more input. I have decided not to do a spring workshop, for the most obvious reason, not enough time.
    For “Haying with Horses and Mules” what I want to do is offer individualized workshops for one or two people. These workshops would take place while we are making hay, which for us is almost all summer. They would be on a sliding scale of $50 to $100 per day depending on how hard you want to work and other considerations. They could be from one to three days in length. You can really create your own workshop. Anyone can feel free to contact me about these beginner to intermediate workshops anytime.
    I am still planning to do a formal workshop on starting the green horse to drive. Either two or three days in Oct. or early Nov. I have a friend whose skills would compliment my own very well, who is excited to present this workshop with me. We will work one or two green horses and young animals that have already started. Students can practice new skills on young animals which should make it easier to get the desired response. I hope to set the date for this workshop soon. I believe this is a workshop for experienced teamsters. I would again love more input on these ideas. Donn

    Carl Russell

    Donn, any chance you could use 2008 NEAPFD as a pre-workshop? Or do people think that we could dedicate a portion of that event to workshops such as this, perhaps with multiple practitioners like Donn and others comparing tools and approaches?

    We would love for NEAPFD to be a way for farms offering workshops and other opportunities to show case them, thereby attracting folks to the farm for more intensive experiences. Carl

    Donn Hewes

    Hi Carl, I am planning to come, and I hope Maryrose will too. I like the idea of being involved. I think the “green Horse” would lend it’s self better to a demonstration (or a series of demonstrations) rather than a workshop. I would really emphasis my belief that in most cases, it takes a certain amount of experience as a teamster before one should start training green horses.
    I also had thought about bringing a Pto forecart with brakes and a four horse neck yoke (I would need a teamster with four head). The main attribute of the cart is it was locally constructed and is good hills. Probably don’t want to do both, but who knows.
    Anyway count me in, but lets keep thinking about how I can best contribute. Donn

    Carl Russell

    Donn, I like the equipment idea, if it is feasible with your commute. We are working on having Friday be a day of working demonstrations on a nearby farm, plowing, haying, etc.?,.

    One of the most common feed-back from 2007 was wanting more demonstrations of training. An idea left on the table last year was one from Beckah Murchison from Fairwinds Farm, Brattleboro, VT., to have several accomplished trainer/starter teamsters get together, maybe in a round pen, maybe with a green horse, maybe as a panel, to apply or talk about, and compare tools and techniques.

    Even though we did get interest in more hands-on exposure at NEAPFD, I want to see that going on in small secure settings of individual operations. I want you and others to consider how you can use the field days to promote those intensive opportunities that you offer at home.

    Donn Hewes

    Carl, Bringing the equipment is pretty easy, it would roll onto a small trailer behind a toyota p/u.
    I would love to work with a small group to talk about (or demonstrate) starting a green horse. As you suggest, there are pros and cons of different ways of going about it. To do some kind of demonstration would require a little more coordination. My suggestion would be to put a few people together by phone or email that are interested in working on something like this and let them come up with some ideas for how to organize it. Donn

    Carl Russell

    My thoughts exactly. If you will be on such a list, I will do some foot work to get you all together, and see where it goes from there. Carl

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