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  • #40657

    I have just bought myself a 8-wheeler wagon.
    I know there are several people out there interested to see pictures of one, so i will try to sheare som with you.





    I havet figured out how to insert pictures directly on the board, so please click on the links.

    Carl Russell
    Ronnie Tucker

    go to sam linsey.com to see a eight wheel log wagon it was patented in 1899 in laurel miss you will see some big timber lots of mules and oxen ronnie tucker tn logger

    Jim Ostergard

    Geir, Nice wagon. Very helpful to see the “fifth wheel” attachment. I could do something like that with a bar across my 4 wheeled walking beam arch thus giving me some articulation on rough ground. Thanks for sharing.


    hey where did you find one in the states or did you make this ?

    jen judkins

    OOOOH, I like that! Can we find something like that in the states? The swedish are sooo far ahead of us, lol! This happened with those dang cute workman’s pants…with all the pockets. I had to GO TO SWEDEN to buy them for my brother and bro-in-law! A good idea should be that…a good idea!

    Jim Ostergard

    John Plowden, a superb horse logger in Stow, Maine is building some Scandinavian gear. He has a great log wagon/arch combination. John is on DAP.


    lancek: I am in Sweden.

    OK. If you want to see a video of 8-wheelers in action you can click on this one. http://www.skogshastenblekinge.se/pictures.html

    Scroll down to the bottom of the page you will find a video of 8-wheelers.



    Sorry about that northplow I didnt pay attention to who posted this, I have looked at those vidios and was thougherly inpressed with these wagons and have wanted to buy or build one, but havent found any one around here that makes them [Thats in the US]! So I guess I better get the welder and wrenchs out and make some blue prints. Lancek

    Scott G

    Scandinavia has been kicking our rear in so many aspects of forestry. Their attention to efficiency and handling of small wood specifically interests me. Interesting to see the western style of hames and collar integrated into their style of D-ring. I have gotten used to seeing the wooden hames they normally use. Is that a Spotted Draft or a Clyde/other with a lot of chrome? I have a 4yo Spotted Draft gelding as my latest addition, great horse! Most importantly I want to know where I can get my hands on one of those stylin’ Skoghasten ball caps!


    I agree it is amazing that you here all these log buyers complaining about the quality of timber but you mention anything but takeing the best and leaving the rest and they think you are a nut case! You look at the old forestry and industreal teaching books and they teach how the whole tree was used then then the chemical people came in and told us how sinthetic products were going to save the world and now we have more polution than ever!


    well I guess Im 3 years to late to see that one. Anyone have any of these pics saved?

    cousin jack

    Here’s mine


    Nice Jack,
    what are you making with that payload, furniture ?

    cousin jack

    @PhilG 32025 wrote:

    Nice Jack,
    what are you making with that payload, furniture ?

    Hi Phil, no not furniture. It is willow, I will cut it into wands about 10ft long then I will use them as binders on a hedge I have just laid.
    Now you will ask me what laying a hedge entails, it is when we take a hedge, usually thorn, and we cut through the stem and lay
    the stem at an angle, this encourages regrowth from the stump whilst still providing a stock proof barrier. I will put some pictures up tomorrow.

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