A draft animal forestry equipment "List"

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  • #40895
    Scott G

    In the spirit of continuing to be a resource for draft powered forestry practitioners who will refer to this site in the present as well as in the future through the archive; let’s put together an equipment resource list, with complete contact info.

    Please list any/all manufacturers, fabricators, and suppliers of draft animal logging equipment that you have dealt with or know of. This would include arches/carts (& plans), forwarding trailers, forwarders, logging harness, singletrees/eveners, grabhooks, peaveys, choker chain/hooks, tongs, rigging, gee-whiz devices, etc., you name it…

    Also mentioning your favorite source of saws and supplies would be a worthwhile addition.

    I have several, probably many of those you have, so I’ll hold off to avoid duplication.

    It would be great if we could get International contributions for this list, specifically from our U.K. and Scandanavian folks.

    This list could be used in the future for an FAQ section to refer people to.

    Thanks in advance for everyone’s contribution, this type of information is what will enable this culture and harvesting method to survive and prosper…


    Can anyone add to the list? I’ve been perusing the internet for kind of a basic “this is what you need and what it is called and what it looks like” list but can’t find one. Although, now that I found this post I have some terms to research.

    I wonder where I’ll find the best deal on a gee-whiz device? 😀


    I dont know about the gee wize device but there in mich. big lug, i would look up my local Amish village and get to knowing a few of them! They of corse use draft animals very day and are usally welling to share there expertise. Lancek

    Scott G

    Hey everyone,

    Let’s post this topic at…


    It is a subcategory of equipment.

    I hadn’t caught on to that when I made this post. My bad…

    Carl, can we move this thread to that folder to avoid confusion?

    Sorry for the mix up.

    Take care,

    Carl Russell

    Is this what you wanted Scott? I will add to this list soon. Many things in front of this on the priority list.

    Scott G

    Yep Carl, thanks!

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