Ambitious Mule

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    I thought I would throw this out there to see what kind of opinions I can get on an issue. I have a mule that I use for skidding logs. When I back her up to a log all she wants to do is go, very impatient. She will go if i don’t have tension on the lines, which makes it difficult to hook a log. After I hook up I will sit and wait for a while but all she will do is throw her head and paw the ground. Once we are skidding i will give her a break and she will do the same thing. When we get to the landing, I believe she thinks her job is done because all her fuss is gone she stands and waits for me to unhook and we casually walk to the next log. She acts like this single and hooked with her team mate. After about three hours or so she will stand like she is suppose to. The first three hours are aggravating. It resets the next day. She doesn’t act that way when I drive her around on the forecart or arch, or while dragging the fields. Anyone have any tips. I don’t have enough work to keep her constantly busy so it is hard for me to work some of our issues out. So far I have been putting up with it, but I am happy that she is a hard puller.


    It may be that she is anticipating some pain that comes with pulling the log (harness, collar,muscle, bone, etc)

    Ronnie Tucker

    she acts like one someone may have tried to make into a pulling mule and done who knows what to her.regular work will probably fix your problem.find some mule driving amish for her to spend the spring with.


    I’ve thought the same thing as you Ronnie, I’ve watched a couple pulls and she does what some of those rank teams do. The prior owner didn’t work her and all he could tell me is that she was worked before. We are skidding pine logs, nothing over 12″ and 14′, nothing too heavy. Her harness fits nicely and she has been conditioned. Waiting on hay season, we have about 150 acres of hay that I plan on having her and her new team mate to pull the rake, giving the old timer a break. Hopefully that will help her out.

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