Anyone within driving distance?

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    We live in Williamsport, PA. I wonder if anyone is within driving distance, say 2-3 hours from us? I’d like to get to know other drafters and talk basics with them. I’d like to see how their places are laid out, what tasks they are using their animals for, and hopefully learn some things about pasturing stock and raising healthy livestock. Sure, I’m surrounded by Amish, but they aren’t exactly outgoing folks, if you know what I mean.


    I think the Endless Mountain Draft Horse Club is just north of you. They have a website. I have no experience with them just the name but it is a place to start. I do know a fellow in Wellsboro that uses horses alot on his beef farm but he keeps to himself. I don’t want to send you there without getting his ok. We are in Central New York so that is a long trip for you. Try the club you probably can join without horses or much knowledge to learn. Good Luck


    EMDHC is a great link. Thank you, Plowboy. I have to check my race schedule to see if I can make either of their club events.

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