At A crossroads!

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    Well right now I Am at A crossroads, And would like some outside imput! I Am being turned down for driving jobs, I really want to get back to O T R, but the jobs are not coming up. I Am setting myself A time limit of Mid Feb. If I don’t get O T R by then, I Am going to try and hit A temp to Hire place for A job. And start saving again for A truck. At the same time, I want to buy A few bee hives. (Africanized.) Make splits requeen with Calm queens ,And build up to 200 hives by fall. This can be done, I helped my brother cash wise 3 years ago do this. The bees can then go to Ca. for Almonds in Feb 2009. At almost $150.00 per hive. What do you think??? Am I giving myself A decent time limit?/ Or should I take more time?? Less time?? I have one Person who might make me A loan for $10,000.00 to get the truck I want. But I will need to wait 3 weeks to see him! I have built up my bus. from scratch before & can do it Again. Remember Any day we get out of bed is A great day. Thank you PLZ tell me what you think. The good the bad the ugly .All thoughts on this!!!

    Gabe Ayers

    Aren’t the Africanized bees the “Killer bees”? Why on earth would anyone want those things when they may swarm before re-queening and invade the surroundings with bees that will kill you if you encounter them accidentally? Why not just regular Italian honey bees?

    OTR – hard way to go man, never home, road is not home…Hard to understand the post on this site looking for advice? Good luck to you.


    The hives Now have Africanized Queens, But by Requeening, With Domestic Queens, The Africanized will Die out in 2 months. The Exsiting bees would just be there to Rear the brood from the new queens And the Africanized are NOT as bad as reported, The U S D A imported them in 1962 to La. and in 64 released queens to breeders all around the U S. What I was looking for was Another persons take on My Line of thought. Weather or not they thoiught it was A sound desecion to make!!! Right now I Am painting up A few bee boxes ,To be ahead of the game if I go that route!!!

    Carl Russell

    James, I only have experience with honey bees, and one or two hives for personal use. I always have a hard time buying into any investment scheme. I question whether the market will really be there when the hives mature. I called it the IF/Then syndrome. Those kinds of things never work out for me. I am much more comfortable with a steady production of small to moderate quantities of goods to be sold as soon as they are produced, ie. logs, wood. potatoes, milk, eggs, etc.. But thats just me. I’m not sure about OTR, I’m pretty active and could never see myself sitting still that much. Good luck. Carl


    Theres Another bee keeper lives Next door to me, He is retiring Next year and he has 200 hives on Watermelons Every spring for $15,000, Not counting the Orchards they are on. The O T R will be just for 5 years max. I think I could be out of driving in 2 if I really bust , butt. I want to get 4-5 dump trucks after getting back O T R. They can make Decent cash per week. But then I can put more time into Other endevours. If I end up punching a clock ,I know I will hate that. But You have to do, What you have to do.. I can really See myself getting ahead in 3 months after getting on the road!!!

    Carl Russell

    How does $4.00+/gal Fuel factor into the OTR plan? My log trucker has got his truck for sale. He has to charge too much for most of his old regular loggers. I pass the cost directly onto the landowner so I don’t dicker with him, but I’m not going to keep him in the business all by myself. Good Luck, Carl


    I drove truck for the local highway department for 3 years before getting a better job. At one time I thought about buying a dump truck to do work on the side until I looked into it. Tires for a 10 wheeler are between 4 +5,000. Insurance and road tax are real expensive and then the fuel and repairs on top of it. A local guy just spent $25,000 on a new Cummins for his road tractor. You end up working 80 or 90 hrs a week and wearing out your truck faster so there is some left to pay the bills at home. Then you compromise time with family and animals and upkeep of your home place. If you want to drive a truck, drive someone else’s,take your pay and go home. You’ll be glad you did and still have time to keep one foot in farming if you have the ambition. Good luck with whatever you choose but there is a big difference between what you take in and what you end up with.


    No offence but I can Make 35% profit off the Truck And be home Every 7 days or so for 2, My father was driving when I was born, He done that all his life. I have Owned A few trucks myself. I had A lifethreating injury A few years ago. And have been working off and on driving. While Fuel prices go up. There A fuel Surcharge that goes into effect. And cuts the cost. I can make better money from owning a truck than I can driving for another person or company. This Ain’t my 1st dog and pony show, I don’t need or want a $100,00.00 dollar truck I can save cash And make more with a older truck bought for $5,000.00 And even with Expenses after taxes take home $1,000.00 A week. So by netting close to $50,000.00 A year and not working hard .I can be in the postion I want in 2-3 years! And the costs of tires are not As high as most think .I prefer Kelly Steer tires on ALL Axles saves about $1,500 on tire that way.. And I can get a peak & tune down on the enging and get 8 miles per gallon loaded 10 MT and 17 bobtail. And change oil every 27,000 miles by Useing the right products and keeping the Engine in good order. I can do most of the repairs myself, But I farm that work out. By driving for myself I can choose where I want to Run.I prefer to Run to Canada myself More money by going there!!! And I can stop & get items I want in route and Not be in hot water with A company!!!!


    Sounds like you’ve already made up your mind. Why do you ask for input if you’ve already decided? That leads me to believe although you seem confident you have your doubts. Best of luck to you and a favorite proverb I like to use. “The best way to get on your feet is to get off your a##”.


    Here I was asking What others Thought, I have 2 Plans I can do. I just prefer the One I know I can do. But After, I have been off work off and on since 2001 (Due to broken Neck/ And back) there are few companies that want that Liability. I Am trying to write out a business plan to get the Capital I need. But If that fails I have my deadline! Feb 1st 2008. So while I was asking what others thought and looking for Imput. Not A headache . All I was stateing .Is I know what I can do. I just need to get back to doing it. Funny No one suggested That by builing from the bottom up. by punching the clock . Would build the assets needed. If I stay home and go to A plant. I can also make a bit by selling small stock. But if others want to Critize, I’ll just NOT post any more. on this subject Have A good night and Stay safe!! And remember We are all differnt, And thats what makes us who we are! Heres hoping you and your have A nice week.!!!!

    Carl Russell

    James, I think most of us understand clearly that you were looking for discussion, not answers. I think every contributor to this forum is pretty comfortable with their own decision making process, and we are participating here because of the enhancement that group can bring to individual.

    I am sorry that you feel uncomfortable with some of the responses you’ve gotten.

    DAP’ers, please remember that these discussions can only reveal the very surface of the individuals who post them, and we have no way of understanding the extenuating circumstances without being patient and polite.

    James, I was pleased to see you bringing Off-Topic discussion. I think that we need to have a place here for us to flesh out aspects of our lives other than those associated with hooves and harnesses. Please feel free to continue. Carl


    James I think that you took my post the wrong way. The proverb I referred to I meant positively because you are in fact trying to find your path to a better future. With an injury like you had most people would sit back and collect disability but you want better than that. If you can make it with an old truck then more power to you. Remember though what looks good on paper doesn’t always work in the real world. Most guys either make repairs or payments and some both.
    As far as the beekeeping in my area it is pretty popular and the local markets are flooded with honey much the same as with garlic a couple years ago. Once you find your niche , if you are successful others will follow and suddenly you don’t have a niche anymore.
    I don’t think anyone here meant negative critizism. Everyone answered with what their experiences and situations have been. You can’t hate people for being honest. This board needs active users so post as much as you want but if the answers aren’t what you want to hear you can’t be sore at anyone for telling the truth. Good luck in whatever you choose and let us know how you make out.


    Ever have one of those days. I was having one Yesterday. I was Not At my best I admit it. And therefore I might have stepped on some toes.If I did it was NOT intentional.? After All I have been thru ,Including the Surgery on my Crainium. Due to the brain injury. I get A few off dats every now and then.. I want to let everybody know I Am not upset at anybody. . Have A nice weekend when it gets here!

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