Barden Cart

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  • #84332
    Michel Boulay

    I was wondering if it would be possible and with Les Barden’s permission, to purchase plans for his cart through Dapnet? It would give exposure to his cart and a way for him to better promote his cart.


    Donn Hewes

    Hi Mike, That is a good question, and I think Carl will know the answer. For some reason I think the may already be public, but I would wouldn’t mind paying a little for them. I need a new forecart this spring. I have about 5!, but they are all different. I only really have one good teaching cart with room for more than one person. I am thinking I will build something along those lines for my new cart. Carl, where do we get the plans?

    Tom Coughlin

    I also would love to see a set of plans. Tom

    Carl Russell

    There are plans….. Somewhere. I lost track of that project. I will contact Les soon, and get back to you all….

    Michel Boulay

    Carl with the passing of Les, may he rest in peace, would it be a problem to get a set of plans for the Barden cart??


    Carl Russell

    We are working on it Michel

    Michel Boulay

    Thanks Carl!

    Carl Russell

    Hi All, I have finally gotten the mechanical drawings and plans for the Barden Cart. I will be scanning the document and can make it available as a PDF. I can also make it available in hard-copy.

    I would like to see these plans generate some income, not only to defray copying and postage, but as a possible source of fund-raising for DAPNet.

    I have contacted Donn Hewes about how that might be made to happen, but we have not worked out the details yet.

    Please have some patience as I would prefer to have everything in place to keep things efficient and effective before trying to address individual interest. If it turns out that it is not doable through the digital platforms that DAPNet uses, then we will revert to simpler methods…..



    Thanks for keeping up with this project Carl. If Les’s and your efforts can help DAPNet, that would be great, either way the fact that these plans can be shared in the future makes them priceless.

    Michel Boulay

    Thanks a lot Carl, appreciate everything you’re doing here.


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