Berry Essay

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  • #39705
    Gabe Ayers

    This is a link to a good Wendell Berry Essay that appeared in Harper’s.

    It is an interesting and daring mix of religion and politics.


    Thank you for posting this.

    I nominate Berry for Pope.

    Gabe Ayers

    I don’t think he would accept the pope job, besides he’s a Baptist…

    I suspect he is content living on his own small farm, tending his flock of cheviots, his team of horses and a colt or two coming along and working in his woods…. and writing of course.

    I think the discussion on the sustainability thread is a great support for most of what he says in this essay and many others.

    You are welcome DAP folks, I enjoy most of what he writes and figured most of you would too.


    Berry is a friend of a friend of my father… But I understand through that my chances for an introduction, or anyone else’s for that matter, are almost nil. Very reclusive guy.

    And hats off to him for that. He expresses himself best through the written word (I heard him speak one time, and, well, in my opinion, probably the time spent listening to him would have been better spent reading him instead). So why must every great thinker be a celebrity as well?

    So he’s probably not likely to accept the nomination for pope, I know.

    I am glad he is still full of fire. He must be way up there in age now.


    Very good essay and on the mark for the things we discuss on DAP. Thanks for bringing it to our attention.

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