Border Collies

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  • #41749
    Does’ Leap

    Anyone use herding dogs? I wouldn’t farm without them. Here’s a clip my daughter posted on youtube of our 1.5 year-old. Anyone who has chased pigs around should appreciate it…:)



    we use Australian and English Shepherd for working with the goats. Everything’s going so much smoother and less stressful for everyone with the dogs.


    My Australian Shepherd was great with pigs and chickens as a yearling, but he fell out of practice when we moved to the city for a year. He is handy for some chores, but gets too excited and doesn’t listen well anymore for others. To top it off I am discouraged from letting him help, heaven forbid he make a mistake and we learn from it, but it is not my farm, so be it. I would like to get some formal education for my next dog.


    I use two Border Collies and an Australian Shepherd. They are with me daily and guard stackyards all winter so I don’t have to shut the gates when I’m feeding. All year they herd cows with me whenever we move. They are essential. Much of the time it’s me and the dogs moving up to 275 cows around and I couldn’t do it without them.
    Yesterday I was moving one of my bulls out of my neighbors cows. He got on the fight and was hitting our horses and finally knocked over my daughter’s horse (she’s quick and got away from the wreck before she got hurt) and sent him flying about 4 feet up and sideways. When an animal as big as him (I guess about 2200 lb.) decides he’s through doing what you want him to there isn’t much room for argument. He was too big to rope so I put the dogs on him. After about 2 or 3 minutes of fighting with a collie on his nose and the other on his arse, he decided to get moving. Took us about 3 hours to move him a half mile. Could never have done it without my dogs Babe and Dot, mother and daughter team.

    Joshua Kingsley

    We have two herding dogs here. An Austrailian Cattle dog that weighs about 50 pounds and a Sheltie that is about 12 pounds. The Jersey bull will back down to the little 12 pound dog. All the cows give those dogs lots of room and respect. It is amazing what the dogs can and will do.


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