Brake Master Cylinder

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  • #90154

    I am starting to build my forestry wagon and I need to figure out a brake pedal/master cylinder setup. I am going to be hitching it to purpose built forecart so that in the future I can unhitch it from the cart and tow it with a tractor or truck. Ideally the pedal and master cylinder will be a single unit so that I can have it on flex line for those times I disconnect it from the forecart.

    Any thoughts or places to source something like that?


    How about setting up the Trailer with electric brakes and the forecart with a electric brake controller. So the brake would work when you pull with a truck and you could use the forecart for pulling other trailer which already have electric brake (stocktrailer).


    I am going to do an electric over hydraulic controller when I start pulling with the truck. I wanted hydraulic discs on the trailer because the electric brakes are not very dependable at the slow speeds in the woods and they are hard to lock out for loading logs.

    I just found a hydraulic clutch cylinder and I am going to build a bracket to mount a pedal, that way I can run it inline with the electric over controller similar to the hydraulic handbrakes that are put on rally racing cars.


    Here are the first two parts, I will have to make a bracket and pedal, as well as a temporary fluid reservoir. I like the clutch cylinder because when I have enough money to buy the Electric over controller I can run the clutch cylinder inline so that both the truck brakes and foot pedal will work.

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    Cool. I haven’t seen that before. It’s pricey, but well worth if you use it on a regular / commercial base.

    carl ny

    I have that same Lock Out for a parking brake on my VW dune buggy… works good.

    carl nny


    Both those truck parts would work. Were you able to make the bracket and pedal?

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