check this one out everybody

  • This topic has 5 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 14 years ago by jac.
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  • #41660

    Now the feds think they can control what we eat ! Whats next when and how we go to the bathroom?


    if we aren’t smart enough to eat and choose our own food, how long will it be till we aren’t wise enough to grow our own food.
    certified professional farmers contracted out to come till your land and plant and harvest for a small fee. you heard it first here. my idea, and we could all be in on the ground floor. what do you think? i knew there was a way to make money farming.


    Holly Crap !!!!!!!!:eek: and all this time I thought you guys were in the land of the free !!!!…


    not everything that is legal isn’t fair as well.
    i remember a professor telling us how he observed an american colleage waving a wallet above his head, ironically stating:”this is justice!”
    no offense, you still have a much better system than we have, but money plays too big a role, and i’m afraid it’s a power that can bend things. legally.

    so things aren’t moving for the better. i’m still afraid of a globally controlled food market.

    hope it won’t happen. but still, what can they do? come and dig up your garden?
    now that would be touching in private property, and i don’t think that would pass. more people are coming online, and such people are a threat to various spin-doctors and interest groups that infest every country.

    Gabe Ayers

    We have a government that is in hock over it’s head and there is no need to make new laws for anything except protection of our environment. They can’t fund these stupid make work projects that try to make themselves look like hero’s protecting the ignorant masses. There simply isn’t enough money to do every hair brained activity some politician comes up with. Law enforcement in this country is suffering the same budget restraints as every other aspect of governmental responsibility. So who is going to enforce all these new laws? Nobody, it is just chin music from politicians.

    It is good to pay attention to this insanity. This is the home of the free, but only for the brave. Brave enough to stand up to tyranny in any form.




    Thats the gods truth

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