Cutting Firewood

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  • #41531

    Just thought these photos might be interesting. This Oak tree was about four feet off a paved county road. The roots were actually raising the pavement. The county road department and the LO agreed it should be removed. The county workers cut it down and cut it up enough to get it away from the road with a backhoe and excavator. A few neighbors and I got the job of cutting it up. I never considered saving the log because we figured it was full of nails and wire, but it was actually clear up to the first limbs. My saw only found a couple of hugh nails and a glass insulator.

    I regret not measuring anything, but it was huge. I would guess the canopy was close to 40′. A 24″ bar lacked about 6″ cutting through the log from both sides at 8′ from the butt. They ground the stump, but had to be close to 6′.
    If I counted right we got 25 pickup loads in three weekends.


    I wish I had that in my back yard. It would heat my house for a few years.:):)

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