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    One of my 17 year old mares has very runny stool. It was soft but not alarming last weds so I figured I should worm her, by friday it was more like a dairy cow who lives on a TMR ration. I wormed her saturday. She has gone down a little in condition but they have been fat on grass all summer, coat still shiny, no runny nose or eyes, decent appetite, attitude is a little dopey but not lethargic. I talked to the vet over the phone and he didnt seem too alarmed, said he recently had luck with an older horse clearing up diarrhea with kefir? I have been putting probios in water but I dont really believe in the store bought powder stuff…. My main concern is I am going out of town for 10 days and I wont be around to monitor her.

    Any thoughts or suggestions?


    This list is always a great resource, you never know what animals will get into. They will leave something alone all season and then for whatever reason decide to try something new.

    Probios is good in theory, but not the most effective. We used it in feed, otherwise it takes too long for them to ingest even the recommended dose. Live microbes in serious numbers are more effective. Jen Judkins has recommended Dynamite products for years. Here is their pro-biotic product. https://dynamitespecialty.myvoffice.com/ShoppingCart/index.cfm?FuseAction=CategoryShop&CategoryID=54&ParentCategoryID=4

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by dominiquer60.

    Update: I did too many things to isolate what may have helped including, kefir, ProBios, dewormer, rest, Apple Cider vinegar. I received updates throughout my trip from my mother in-law who was watching our animals and she slowly got better. She has lost a lot of condition but she was fat to begin with. All seems well and we are slowly getting back into work.

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