Do any of you hire out for farming jobs?

DAPNET Forums Archive Forums Market Place Working Situations Do any of you hire out for farming jobs?

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  • #40917

    If so, can you tell me your experiences? What about insurance?


    Does’ Leap

    We relied on intern labor for 10 years. For the last 5 years, we purchased workman’s comp for them for around $1200/year (we paid no stipend to interns just room and board). This summer we purchased the farm adjacent to ours. There is a family living in the new house who is working off their rent on our farm. We still have workman’s comp for this couple and they get their health insurance through the husband’s job.

    Intern labor was generally high quality and cheap. However, it got tiring managing and teaching all the time. Now that we can afford to hire someone, it is a gives us a lot more freedom. Our new tenant/worker manages the majority of cheese production and rarely needs direction now that she’s trained.

    Hope this helps.


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