Donkeys in crowds and craziness

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    Andy Carson

    I was at the Ohio Equine Affaire this last weekend and I saw a team of miniature donkeys being driven through a crowd of people. This was the kind of crowd that you had to push though even to walk as a person, with loud kids, noises and all sorts of strange and unfamiliar sights and smells. The driver had to say “excuse me” and wait for the people to move, but aimed right though the middle of the crowd. The little donkeys just stood and inched forward when asked. They listened only to their driver even with people bumping them, petting them, making a fuss, and getting in their way. Maybe this isn’t very impressive to donkey or mule people, but I was pretty impressed. I saw the driver later and complimented him on his very calm and obedient team. He told me this was only the second time they have been driven since last November!!! I thought this was an interesting story to share, and may demonstrate a valuable aspect of these work animals.

    Robert MoonShadow

    This type of thing happens enough w/ donkeys that many come to expect it…but not all are this calm – just most of them. I think it has a lot to say about the bonding and trust between them & their handler.


    Wow, that’s an amazing testament to the skill of their trainer and driver!

    Andy Carson

    Yes, I forgot to mention their driver! Shame on me. He said he has had them from birth and has put a lot of work into them in the past and has taken them to several shows. Still though, I am impressed that they remembered their training so well and can maintain their composure. I can’t imagine what my horse would be like in that crowd if I hadn’t worked her since last November (or even if I had worked her the day before)…


    That is awesome! Gives me hope for me and my Anna Mule.


    Love this story!! I had the same thing at the Montana State Fair. Wheelchairs, baby strollers, walkers, skateboards, scooters and people packed shoulder to shoulder. My boys were wonderful, I had hames bells on both of them but found folks could not hear them. Had an older gentleman who would stand next to them so he could hear the bells. Donkeys do wonderful in large crowds and are also just like the last time you drove them. I just restarted one that was driven 15 times 1.5 years ago, he was perfect!

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