Draft horse racing

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    I was doing a little research and came across an unusual sport in a country that I didn’t expect to see it in. Draft Horse Racing in Northern Japan.
    Here is the link for anyone interested in this vague NY Times article and slide show.


    Gabe Ayers

    There was a cover story about this in the Draft Horse Journal some time back.

    The gist of the story was that it was a fading sport in Japan and there was only a couple of tracks still going.

    It reminded me of the two pound of stone five minutes contest in the northeast.

    I guess the Japan event involved some gambling, but can’t remember if that is the case.


    My girlfriend last week actually found some videos of it on Youtube. Its called “Banei Keiba” Theyre really nice horses but it looks pretty hard on them.

    With these races they have basically a stoneboat behind them. they have to pull it up over two small hills spread over a distance of what seems like a 1/4 mile.

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