Earning his keep.

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    In these days and times, it is great to have something that will earn his keep. And it is good to have something that sometimes earns his keep and is a multi tasker. I just wanted to show you what I have accomplished by reading, and looking, and being a little bit of a nuisance around here. Here is what I came up with. I know its not beautiful, but it could inspire you to do something!!

    Jonathan Shively

    Make no apologies. You are using your critter and your noggin! Looks like a more than useable outfit to get a lot of work completed. Great job!


    Cute setup you have there!

    Robert MoonShadow

    That is totally cool! I like the way you’ve created the line of draft to adapt to the pack saddle. How heavy is that set-up, and how much of a load can he/she haul with this? I don’t see the detail on how it’d back up, though…
    I’ve got two old trailers – one I’m turning into a forecart…and seeing this, I’m inspired to try to adapt the other into a cart for me donks!


    The cart is heavy but well ballanced. Jack could hall a half rick of wood with it. or numerous limbs, rocks, t-posts, u name it. Directly behind Jack is a padded britchen that is connected to the shafts via a U bolt, on each side. This is the brakes and reverse.

    Robert MoonShadow

    Ahh…I couldn’t see it clearly enough to tell it was a britchen. You been working him in this for very long?


    Actually no. I have only had Jack probably six months. I knew he would ride and plow. I wanted to know if he would cart. So I made the “cart saddle” and adapted the cart to see how much he knew. It is a temporary set up. though it is well bolted together and then strapped to the top of the cart. The cross members of the shafts are well bolted and then set down in a groove it the top of the cart. it is tempprary and easily removed from the cart. we have had the cart in a bind a few times and it holds together well. no real weight in the cart in the 10 or so times I have used it. Mostly I was getting the saddle built and adjusted, and the lines and the britchen adjusted. and by the way, he knows how to drive……….I owe most of it to these fine folks on this fine web site, and actually became a supporter in April.

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