"Elvis sure can sing…"

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  • #40054
    Robert MoonShadow

    Thanks for creating this post, Carl! Like I mentioned, I didn’t know where to put the funnies at…

    Here’s my contribution ~ it’s a true story…

    Back in the 90’s, I lived in the countryside north of Spokane, Wash. I purchased a donkey named Elvis, for my daughter. When I went to go pick him up, my neighbor asked if I’d also swing by another farm & pick up a half-dozen goats he’d bought but couldn’t haul home, since his truck broke down. I, of course, agreed. (Good thing, or there wouldn’t be a story, here!) I loaded Elvis into the back of my p/u, got the goats in there, too, and headed home. My route took me through downtown Spokane. It was a Sunday morning, and there’s several large churches in downtown Spokane. Now Elvis was laying down in the back, and the goats had their curious little noses poking through, around & above the racks on my truck. As we pulled to a stop at a red light just near 3 of the biggest churches, they were just letting out their congregations.

    Elvis started to ‘sing’.
    Of course, heads spun around, only to see 6 little heads…

    Yup!! Braying goats!!! 😮 :confused: 😀

    {We made the evening commentary/news on a local radio station, that day}

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