Farmers Lung

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    I never thought I was exposed to that much mold but apparently it was enough to cause farmers Lung. So now when I’m exposed to mold I get sick and it takes weeks to get over it. The stupid thing is a $2 dust mask could have prevented this. I guess what I’m saying is use a dust mask in dusty conditions. This isn’t mold you can see it microscopic airborne mold you don’t know it their. Do your self a favor buy some dust masks and use them. This has been a public service announcement!  Eli

    P.S.  look it up its easy to prevent,but has no cure.


    I was doing a little research and found it can come from working with peat moss also. The mold is not visible just spores that become air born and it really kicks my rear end. I’m on a dust mask crusade!   Eli


    Good point. My wife has to be very careful. She is already allergic to certain types of mold so she has limited contact with anything that could be growing it. She does hate wearing the masks I bought her though. I think your health is more important than a little discomfort or pride.


    If I could catch my breath I would scold her for you. Lol. All I know is I can’t turn back the clock and put a mask on and when I’m sick I’m really sick. Do whatever it takes, Have her look it up, farmers lung is basically allergies to mold. Good luck.   Eli

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